Form1 File Viewer (version 4) Form1% TogglePct FindPct FilenameBox ReadPct xxwwxx xxxxxp xxxxxp FindFilePct FindBox DosPct wwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww WinPct wwwwwww wwwww ShowOSPct wwwwwww wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwp QuitPct DosBox TextBox FilenameLbl Filename Input FindLbl Find Input DosLbl DOS/Win Input QuitBtn_Click Form_Click ReadBtn_Click FilenameBox LineInput TextBox% TextLst_ClickG TextLstn ListCount! ListSize FindBtn_ClickO CurrentLine Text1_Changev FindBox_Change FindBox ListIndex Found FilenameBox_Change @ Form_Load MultiLine ScrollBars SelStart SelLength CurrentIndexr CurIndex TextBox_Change Search SelText BadFile EndOfSub[ Command1_Click DosBtn_Click DosBox Dummy7 WinBox_Click DosBox_Changee Label1_Clicku FindFileBtn_Click DosLbl_Click+ Filename5 subdirectory ToggleBtn_Click ReadBtnJ Enabled False? TrueQ ShowShellsBtn_Click Visible WinBtn_Click DosBtn WinBtn DosLbl Label3_Click FilenameLbl_Click FindLbl_Click[ ShowOSBtn_Click{ ReadPct_Click FindPct Click FindPct_Click Picture1_Click FindFilePct_Click DosPct_Click WinPct_Click WinPct DosPct ReadPctn QuitPct_Click TogglePct_Click TogglePct Picture icons writing book01b WindowState ShowOSPct_Click ToggleOsPct ShowOSPct DosPct_Click invoke the DOSBAT batch file dosbat.bat FindFilePct_Click invoke the DOS dir command with the /s subdirectory option and the /p paginatedn output option dosbat.bat dir /s/p FindPct_Click update the index to the current character store the text of the Find box in the variable Find is variable Find empty? nothing to find locate the index of the next substring Find in thet text boxh found a match?e Yes! Display the matching text as selected text \vb\icons\office\crdfle12.ico No! Clear any selected text \vb\icons\office\crdfle11.ico Form_Load QuitBtn_Click QuitPct_Click ReadPct_Click obtain filename from the filename text boxt if filename is an empty string, exitx set error-handler open the file clear variable to reuse it loop to read the text lines from the ASCII file append a new line copy F into text box close the filep exit procedurep * Error-handler Cannot open file File I/O Error ShowOSPct_Click toggle the Visible property of the DosBox text box, the DosBtn button, the WinBtn button, and the DosLblL label \vb\icons\computer\key03.ico \vb\icons\computer\key02.ico TogglePct_Click \vb\icons\writing\book01b.ico \vb\icons\writing\book01a.ico WinPct_Click invoke a Windows application